About Forums General Discussions Build Connections and gain points – Engagement Rewards Program

  • Build Connections and gain points – Engagement Rewards Program

    Posted by Renita DSouza on October 23, 2023 at 6:23 pm

    Receive 1 point for every connection made and accepted.

    What are the steps?
    1. Connect with members on the membership portal by sending them a connection request.

    2. Once your connection request is accepted, the points will be automatically allotted to your profile.

    How can I connect with other members?

    – On the left User Panel, select the Members icon. This will take you to the Members page that features a list of all Student and Club Members on the site.

    – Each member’s profile is featured along with their name or nickname, profile photo, membership joining date, last active date, number of followers and the ‘Connect’ button.

    – To connect with a member, just click on the ‘Connect’ button, after which it will change to ‘Request Sent’.

    – Once the member has accepted your request to connect, the button on the member’s profile will change to ‘Connected’.

    – There are multiple pages with listings of members and you can view other pages by scrolling to the bottom of the list on each page and selecting the next page number.

    – There is also a ‘Filter Results’ search bar on the right side which you can use to search for members by their name, nickname, institution or email address.

    For more information on the different Individual Challenges visit:

    Renita DSouza replied 1 year, 3 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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